books that have shaped or informed me
A Fine Balance | Rohinton Mistry
Bright Shiny Morning | James Frey
The Problem of Pain | CS Lewis
The Namesake | Jhumpa Lahiri
Unaccustomed Earth | Jhumpa Lahiri
A Tale For The Time Being | Ruth Ozeki
Snowdrops | AD Miller
A Thousand Splendid Suns | Khaled Hosseini
One Amazing Thing | Chitra Banarjee Devakurani
1Q84 | Haruki Murakami
Half of A Yellow Sun | Chimamande Adichie
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close | Jonathan Safran Foer
The Curious Incident of The Dog In The Night Time | Mark Haddon
Prep | Curtis Settenfield
In Cold Blood | Truman Capote
Go Set A Watchman | Harper Lee
Imaginative Qualities of Actual Things | Gilbert Sorrentino
A Suitable Boy | Vikram Seth
The Reader | Bernhard Schlink
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness | Arundhati Roy
Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Doestoyevsky
here i am | jonathan safran foer
everything is illuminated | jonathan safran foer
extremely loud and incredibly close | jonathan safran foer
beloved | toni morrison
i am the messenger | markus zusack
all the light we cannot see |
and the land lay still |
kairos |
i, who have never known men |
the dangers of smoking in bed |